
James Hymas

James Hymas, Publisher

Hymas Investment Management Inc.
10 Page Avenue
YORK, Ontario
M6S 2P5

(416) 604-4204

James Hymas graduated from the University of Toronto in 1984, with an Honours B.Sc. in Chemistry. Within two years he was involved in the investment industry, performing back-office work at Merrill Lynch Canada, Inc. In 1990, he joined Richardson Greenshields of Canada, Inc. and as a supervisor in the Treasury Department utilized his back-office experience to monitor and reduce the risk to the firm's capital due to operational mishaps. He joined Greydanus, Boeckh & Associates, Inc. in 1992 shortly after completion of the academic requirements for the CFA Charter.

At GBA, he rapidly gained the respect of his superiors, and became Chief Operating Officer in 1995. As COO, he had full responsibility for all Portfolio Management, Investment Research and Office Operations of the firm, designing and developing new products for the firm in the asset classes of preferred shares and common stock, in addition to his responsibility for the firm's Government bond portfolios under management (over $1.7 billion) - and, of course, the software! In December, 1999, GBA was acquired by TD Asset Management, a division of the Toronto Dominion Bank. James left the firm simultaneously with the takeover, to concentrate his efforts towards providing investment management of the highest quality.

Since inception, Hymas Investment Management has devoted its energies to achieving a high level of understanding of the Canadian preferred share market and evaluating the relative worth of preferred shares. Research, and the dissemination the fruits of this research, is the focus of Hymas Investment Management's activities.

Click the links below to read articles written by James for the general investing public.

Dividents and Ex-Dates Perpetual and Retractible Preferred Shares Interest-Bearing Preferreds Are Floating Prefs Money Market Vehicles?
How Long is Forever? Using Credit Ratings When Buying Preferreds Corporate Bonds or Preferred Shares? A Call, too, Harms
Closed-End Preferred Funds: Effects of Calls Yield Ahead Split Shares Retractible Preferreds and Bonds
Perpetual Hockey Sticks Modified Duration Claymore Preferred Share ETF Analysis Portfolio Construction
Perpetual Misperceptions Preferred Pairs Convexity Opinion, A Collateral Proposal
When Will Preferreds Recover? A Vale of Tiers Analysis of Perpetual Resets BAs or BDNs - What’s the Difference?
Claymore Preferred ETF and Its Index Opinion, Credit Ratings: Investors in a Bind Credit Stratification Split Shares and the Credit Crunch
The Swoon in June Trading Preferreds